Short Fiction Stories of David A. Archer

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Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006




A Short Fiction
David A. Archer



It wasn’t that long ago that it was still quite possible. Even though, even then it was still decades before the beginning motions toward would ensue.

Imagine being able to grow stronger, and progressively live longer simply through existing? Imagine humanity not only having reached the beginnings in the development of immortality, but further having attained the ability, through our own existence, to directly influence the development of our own kind, and other living things within our reality.

I know that immediately people will tend to envision some switch to click, some task to perform… maybe something you might ingest to bring forward the effects desired. I know as well that such leanings are directly as per design in the effort to actually keep humanity our of its own way.

They are all distractions meant to bring the actual goal a bit closer.

Unfortunately, the want of said distractions and their use has effectively been the deliverer of what is now the realization of no
potentials of any sort, much less attaining unsurpassed longevity… and further less, the ability to interact with our existence to the level of being a living, moving development of our own right.

It is said that the results are even hard to imagine as per what humanity alone would have benefited. It is also said that our atmosphere and physical realm would have become somewhat unimaginable as well. Provided of course, and depending entirely upon our own aspects of living.

It was going to manifest much as a person might imagine a direct relationship in a psycho-kinetic manner, but humanity, as with most all else couldn’t manage to keep out of its own way. Many even putting forward the ego based efforts of producing a similar effect in some competitive interest.

As it was, such a short time ago, we as a species were consecutively only parts of a greater whole in designs that few can begin to understand, much less have actually put into motion. It seems through recent discoveries, that one of the last stitches in that progression was to be implemented within the next few decades.. thus producing the beginnings of a larger motion. This “larger motion” being the starting point of our living then resulting in our furthered existence and bettered forms of said.

Unfortunately, the only way this could have transpired was through no effort at all. It may sound backwards to some degree, but effort toward such ends only served to close off the possibility of it in any way.
Even more unfortunately, it is an inherent aspect of human nature to
want of doing in such matters. For what ever reasons, that inherent tendency almost predictably has rendered the goal itself non existent for every intent and result.

Just as predictably are those which put their efforts in the direction of posturing themselves to be factors of said goal for nothing more than reaping what they saw as immediate benefits. As described, all that such pretense served to do was in effect, remove the possibility of realization for everyone else.

I suppose it is a matter of self importance and want of perceived station which fueled said efforts in posturing, but that is really neither here nor there now.

Laughably, in review of the said efforts in posing of importance it can
be seen in a time line sense, where there were even those so determined to hold such recognition as having been directly of that which brought about the magnitude of potentials known to have been possible, that they immersed themselves into a realm of mental instability based on and within a dynamic consisting entirely of “pretending not to pretend to pretend about pretending to not be trying to attain said goals.” This,
while actually attempting in every conceivable way to get such results, but only for themselves.

There is truly no mystery as to where the idea of comedy came from. All one need do is review the efforts of those fitting such descriptions, whether or not the pretended pretense being pretended states that it is not obvious.

Sadly, many now realize that it was very much within our control as a species.

Even more directly we had managed to realize within our progress, the
efficient effects of rendering it a bit more focused as per now having been entirely dependent upon even communities.

But such ease in attaining the unimaginable obviously was far too much for many to bear.

It just didn’t possess enough frivolous, self absorbed and manufactured
dramas. There weren’t enough difficulties through the actual direction of existence which would render said goals effortlessly for the multitudes, to suit the tastes of those being of such importance as to posture and pretend their direct involvement.

In so many words, society was lead to “screw the pooch” by those whose designs seemed within their own mind, far greater than the designs of even eternity.

The effortless attaining of the ultimate goals just could not be afforded! At least without the lay of claim and the blessing hand of those existing within such levels of pretense.

Nothing less than incredible when a person considers the potentials having been set aside for the brief moment of those sort of lives so desperate for anything. So desperate for someone’s acceptance that they become willing to remove even the potentials within their own lives.

To think of it as it may have been is remarkable. To realize only and what it can now be, is just as remarkable but trimmed with the ever present distaste of knowing it didn’t have to be. And further
knowing the reasons such transgressions against even our own existence transpired… and yet further in continuing to hear the sad if not pitiable excuses still used in the attempt to justify such transgressions.

What can now never be, is always and will always be far more than anything now attainable.

And is so by our own hand for our own reasons. Reasons far greater and much more hidden behind those postured in the pretense which brought about an end no one will ever really realize.

For all intent and purpose, what we are now is the apex of what we can ever be as creatures. Even more and especially given the want
and tendency to mechanically force the change we have systematically removed as potential.

Regardless of where you may insist that you reside within it.

Regardless of the amount of money you may have that seems to corroborate your claims as some benefactor… resulting in postured self importance.

Regardless of whom so ever else you may get to substantiate your claims.

It is all down hill from here.


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